Psst … can you feel it? The leaves are turning, the syllabi are uploading, and the campus is buzzing with fresh faces and freshmen. Back-to-school brings a bevy of questions. How will I get through finals? Is there a cap on caffeine? And how much pizza is too much pizza? (Asking for a friend.)
Here’s one you won’t need to answer: What’s my campus style? We took the liberty of curating a collection of five of our fall faves. They’ll keep you looking pulled together during all those late nights and lattes.

Campus Classic
The Kilty and the Classic Driver are our go-to shoes for any major, from creative writing to pre-med. The hardest part in selecting your perfect pair will be choosing from a variety of vibrant hues, beads or no beads, and a soft or hard sole. That’s our kind of homework.

Fall for Fringe
We suggest you add fringe to your school supplies list, stat. One of our favorite trends will keep you way ahead of the class. When you add our 5-Layer Fringe Boot to any fall ensemble you’re guaranteed to earn an “A+”.
Shop our full collection of Campus Cool Essentials here.