A new DIY Project try this month! Today Shio from Sweetnessaboos shows us an adorable and easy way to accessorize your Double Fringe Side Zip Boots for spring.
Check out the tutorial below on how to add beads to your favorite pair of fringe boots (or mocs!) and be sure to visit Sweetnessaboos for more fun DIY ideas.

Minnetonka Double Fringe Side Zip Boot
Turquoise seed beads
Sewing needle
Black thread

Step 1: Measure around top fringe, and double that measurement, plus some extra. Cut thread measured length. Fold thread in half so that you are doubling it up to make sure the thread is strong enough and won't easily break. Thread your needle, then insert thread into hole on bottom of fringe, double knot it and make sure it is secure. (make sure you start at the fringe closest to the zipper then when you make your way around it meets up with the other end that sits by the zipper as well. that way you don't thread over the zipper)

Step 2: After you tie off thread and secure it in the first hole, add your first bead, then come from back of fringe through the hole, then add another bead, and continue this until you meet back up with the beginning. Once you get to the end, double knot it and make sure its secure. (tip: try not to make it too tight while beading around or the beads won't lay right and may appear hidden and the fringe may end up laying on top of one another)

Step 3: Grab more thread (make sure to double it up for more strength), add bead to thread, place bead under silver disc, then tuck thread under each side of disc and double knot at top. Cut off excess. I'm so glad I ended up adding this last minute detail, because it really pulled the whole look together!